Pro APIs Terms and Conditions


For the purpose of this agreement, the terms:

“API” refers to an Application Programming Interface developed by ProAPIs.

“API User” or “You” refers to anyone who visits the site for the purpose of browsing or creating an account to enjoy the services we offer. Browsing as per the provisions of this clause refers to the act of skimming or going through the website to have an idea of the services we offer.

“API Customer” refers to an individual or legal entity that creates an account on the site by providing personal information and pays to enjoy the API services we offer.

“Proprietor”, “We” , “Our” , “Us” refers to ProAPIs that renders its services as iScraper.

“Site” or “Website” refers to

“Webpage” refers to the page on the site containing these terms of service.


By using or visiting the site and enjoying the services offered, you expressly agree to be legally bound by the terms found herein on this webpage. Consequently, you are expected to obey the provisions published herein and all legal dispositions that are applicable to the user situation.

If the user is a legal entity or individual who allows employees or subcontractors to access the platform using their account, you need to instruct them to read these terms of service so as to comply with them. An assumption will be made that they have read the provisions herein once they start using the site.

In case you do not agree or accept any of the clauses that govern the use of this site, do not use it. Read these guidelines carefully.

Please also note that we reserve the right to alter this page and any other information published on the site without giving you prior notice. Using this site after we modify the terms of service is an indication that you accept the changes made and will be legally bound by them.

Services offered on this site

We offer API services by feeding data from a third party source (LinkedIn) to our API customers. These services are prepaid. The API customers on this site can generate LinkedIn public data through our API by sending HTTP requests. The public data includes information like company profiles, contact details (if public) and company’s list of employees. Our API customers can also find regular or company LinkedIn profiles with the help of our filters.

Please note that we only generate public data and not private LinkedIn information. As such, when using our services, you can only generate such information that LinkedIn account holders have allowed to be public.

Account creation

To create an account on the site, you will need to click on the “Sign Up” button found on the homepage of our site and provide information like full name, email address and credit card details. We collect this personal data.

Obligations or responsibilities of account holders

As an account holder, you are in charge of all the activities that take place in your account. You should:

  • Provide accurate and valid personal information that will be used to create your profile.
  • Ensure that personal information provided is always up-to-date.
  • Manage your account in a way that doesn’t affect our site or other accounts.

We acknowledge that you may permit your employee, virtual assistant or data scraper to use your account to generate data. We have a contractual relationship with you, the account holder, and not any third party. As such, you are liable for all the activities that they carry out using your account. When allowing a third party to use your account, inform them about this terms of service because their breach can lead to termination of your account.

As an API customer, you should not:

  • Disrupt or interfere with other accounts on the site.
  • Allow a third party to use your account without instructing them to read this agreement.
  • Use the site in a manner that violates any local or international laws.
  • Use a device that interferes with the proper functioning of this site.


To make an API request, an API customer needs credits. The services we offer are prepaid services. We don’t offer a recurring subscription. As such, payment needs to be made first before being able to make API calls or requests to our service to get LinkedIn public data or LinkedIn profiles.

After signing up, you will receive test credits to try our API. Upon depletion of the test credits, you can start purchasing additional credits. More details about the cost per credit can be found on our website in the pricing webpage.


You will make payments using the credit card that you added during the account signing up process. Credit card payments are processed by Stripe. As an API customer, ensure that your credit card details are always up-to-date to facilitate a smooth transaction.


Customers have a right to request for a refund. However, please note that we only offer refunds for unused credits upon the request of the API customer.

Personal information and data protection

During creation of your account, you provide personal information like your full name, email address and credit card details. We collect this personal information. Our company values your privacy and we do not share your personal information or private data with any third party. Additionally, we don’t disclose any information related to your usage of our website.

Limited liability

ProAPI ( is created by professional web developers. The site has been properly set up and can be accessed by users from different parts of the world. We will not be responsible for any problem you experience when visiting any webpages or using this site. However, you can inform us about any challenges that you have experienced when using the site. This information will help us improve the site to ensure that it is user friendly. We will not be responsible for any damages, injuries or losses incurred as a result of the use of this site and its content.

Whereas we strive to prevent one member from interfering with the accounts of other members by restricting or stopping their access to our website, we are not responsible for their acts or omissions and cannot be held liable if one member incurs losses, damages or injuries because of another member.

We reserve the right to alter, remove or, if necessary, discontinue the services offered on the website at any time without prior notice. As such, we do not guarantee the availability of any content or webpage. You cannot hold us liable for the absence of any information that was available on the site but has been removed.

Non-competition agreement

By using our API services, you agree not to directly or indirectly engage in a similar business, develop competing products, or solicit our clients for the duration of your use of our services and for five years thereafter.

Intellectual property

All the materials and content on the site (including but not limited to website name, website logo, downloadable samples, introductory video, text, graphics, images and websites software) belong to ProAPIs Inc. that is rendering its services as ProAPIs on the website and are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws and other intellectual property laws.

You are not allowed to:

  • Copy or adapt the website’s software
  • CopyCopy, adapt or alter the website logo
  • Copy, alter, translate or republish any material including but not limited to text and images available on this site without prior authorization of the proprietor.
  • Allow third parties to copy, alter, translate or republish any content using your profile.
  • Delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notice from any content.
  • Print and sell the downloadable samples without prior authorization of the proprietor
  • Republish the introductory video on another platform without prior authorization

If you violate or infringe our intellectual property rights by carrying out the unauthorized activities, we may:

  • Ask you to delete the content where you have republished it
  • Ask you to stop selling our content
  • Ask you to compensate us
  • Take legal action against you

This section applies to all users of this site.

Breach of terms of service

A user violates these terms of service by failing to comply with any of the provisions stipulated herein.

Upon finding that an API user has breached any of the provisions on this webpage, the proprietor of this site may carry out any or all of the following activities:

  • Suspend your access to the site
  • Request the internet provider to permanently block you from using this site
  • Take legal action under either criminal or civil law against you

Termination of your account

There are two main grounds that attract the termination of your account:

  • If you request us to permanently delete your account
  • Breach of any provision stated in this agreement

We reserve the right to terminate your access to this site at our discretion without any prior notice. If required by law, we may also terminate your access to our site.

Applicable law

This site can be accessed by people from different countries in the world. Since the laws may differ, the terms of service agreement shall be governed by the laws of Delaware, United States when resolving any dispute relating to this website.


In a situation where a court or any other competent authority finds and declares a provision or clause on this webpage as invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed deleted. However, the remaining parts or provisions will be valid and enforceable.

Contact Information

You can contact us at